Diva Boudoir

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Avoid these Boudoir Faux Pas During your Session

Bad Tan Lines/Sunburn – If you have not been tanning recently, don’t tan just before your session. You can get sunburn or really bad tan lines, which are not flattering in photos. Also avoid spray tans at all costs, as they tend to photograph poorly. Pale is best for photography.

Having a drink before your session – If you are nervous about your session, it’s OK to have a glass of wine to rest your nerves. That said, don’t have too much the night before, before or during your session. This is one of the worst things you can do. Your eyes will be bloodshot and droopy, the dehydration makes you bloated, you won’t be able to follow my directions or get into difficult poses and it’s just a recipe for disaster.

Choosing the wrong sized outfits – Choose lingerie that is just the right size for you. You don’t want loose lingerie that gives your body no shape or hides your beautiful curves. On the other hand, lingerie that is too tight can be unflattering.

Heavy Makeup – I strongly recommend getting a makeup artist for your session and I also recommend that you use one of my girls. They are pro’s and they know photography makeup, they’ve been with me a long time and know what I need. It’s more about accentuating your natural features and making you feel – and look – stunning, and my make up girls know the difference between normal makeup and photography makeup. If your budget doesn’t allow for one of my girls, have a look at my tips for applying your own here in the blogs.

Forgetting to shave/wax – If you are a hair-free lady, always remember to shave or wax any exposed area that needs to look smooth and sexy. The ‘au naturel’ look tends to add a very flower power era vibe, so if you are not going for the natural look, shave off that stubble!