Client Reviews


i have too many lovely words from my women, and far too many to share here, but please head over to my private ladies only facebook group to see lots more - here.



I had Shirley do my shoot in November for my hubby’s Christmas present. To my surprise, the present ended up being for me as I was turning 54 years old and wanted to feel ‘pretty’ one more time. I like to keep in shape, so my weight was not an issue. Shirley made me feel very comfortable right off the bat with her bubbly personality. I just want women to know that you are never too old to get your boudoir photos done. Shirley does her magic making photos so soft and pretty to one’s eye. I thank you for making me feel wonderful. and sexy for my man and more importantly for myself, Shirley.


I received my photos last night and I’ve spent a portion of the past 12 hours in tears. Body-shuddering, gut-wrenching tears. The kind of tears that leave you physically exhausted. I simply cannot believe what I am seeing. My view of myself has been changed forever and I am so, so, so grateful.

Shirley said that sharing our stories and having other women support us is important to the healing process. So, here is part of my story: I was married for 12 years. I fell pregnant at 3 months into my marriage and at that point my husband decided that he did not want to be intimate with me again. Ever. I spent my life wondering what was wrong with me, doubting myself, trying to please him and change into something that he could possibly find even slightly attractive in some way, shape, or form. I was rejected by the person I loved and trusted more than anyone. I thought it was my fault. I was carrying too much baby weight, I wasn’t a good enough housewife, my cooking was crap, and I was just an ugly, unworthy, useless waste of space. His actions, his words, and his feelings became my inner voice. My divorce journey of the past 18 months has made me realize that it wasn’t me. I finally got that right in my head.

And then yesterday I finally saw it.

I’ll never be a model, and I have never wanted to be a model. But I feel beautiful today. Attractive and sensual. I feel like a woman and I am not afraid to admit it. Beauty is only skin deep and it doesn’t make you a better/worthy/special person, but for better or worse, body image is important. I see my body as half of who I am. My physical being is part of me. Now I see someone who is not, in fact hideous, or repulsive. I see someone who is attractive and unique. I am a mother, a teacher, a friend, a sister, and a daughter. I am caring, kind, soft , and sensual. I’m strong and I’m beautiful. I am a woman in every way. I’m a warrior. Hear me roar. Thank you Shirley from the bottom of my heart. This has helped me heal more than I ever imagined possible. You are truly amazing.

This is what loving yourself again looks like… Shirley x


Well, for me….. I was nervous, but I trusted Shirley to get rid of my dimply bits which went from butt to thighs, as everything has gone south. The pictures are edited but not to any extent that it is not you! (Lighting and angles are great) and Shirley really looks after you! She knows her stuff, she’s a woman and she knows what bits we would like touched up! I didn’t want any butt pictures, and she took that on board, but gave me something very sexy and sensual. Hubbie loves the butt one she did give me. It was more a part of my butt. That was probably my most nervous pose. Honestly, all I can say is put your trust in this wonderful lady! She will look after you 100%!! Shirley rocks!