Not quite brave enough for Boudoir yet?


New for 2017. Shirley Lawson is now shooting portfolios for non models in the UAE, Italy and UK. Only women in thier 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and older need apply.

Do you ever think you’d love a Boudoir shoot but just don’t have the courage to be shot in lingerie or implied nudity just yet?

After many years in the fashion industry and a self confessed compulsive photographer of women, Shirley Lawson has brought her own style of photography and Boudoir for real women to the UAE, Europe and the UK. As of October 2017 she will no longer be shooting model portfolios and will offer this creative service to non models only.

There are no age restrictions, no height restrictions and certainly no weight restrictions. All you need to have is the courage to believe you can do it, follow directions and leave the rest to her.

‘’Shooting young models for thier portfolios is like eating pasta everyday. You love it but after some time the taste is bland and you crave some spice, grit and uniqueness. Shooting real women gives me the grit I crave in photography’’ - Shirley Lawson

Shirley Lawson