Shooting at home? Lets prepare your space

For a boudoir shoot shot in your own home - I use whatever furnishings I see that fit. Don’t be surprised to see me move things around, and use things you would never have thought of. I realise that it is sometimes difficult to have the house free of children, partners and the dog, so sometimes it is better to ask a friend if you can borrow their place for a couple of hours, or book a hotel or Apartment. Lots of clients book a hotel for the night and spoil themselves entirely. I have shot in most hotels and I can’t say any of them are better than others. The only ones to avoid are the older hotels, as they tend to use carpets instead of wood or tiled floors. You can also book the use of a hotel room for the day only at I will want to change most of your images to black and white, and since natural light on the skin is far more flattering for boudoir, this is my light of choice, so choose which room in your house has the most light. Your bedroom needs to be de-cluttered entirely before I arrive. Make it look like a hotel room as much as possible, only the bare minimum of decor and furnishings. Hide away all of your creams, lotions, potions and books, tidy away your papers, and bits and bobs. Don’t forget under your bed because I will be on the floor shooting up for some shots. If you have any large mirrors they are most welcome in the room on shoot day and can be fantastic for reflection images. If you have family photos or prints on the wall, place them in another room to keep the background of your images uncluttered. Your bed should be covered in a light bed covering, with no strong patterns or florals. White, beige or cream are good, darker colors such as red or black can also look amazing. If you have a duvet, please remove it and leave just the cover or sheet. Do not worry if you do not have plain bed covers at home, I will bring silk material with me on the day. If you have tiles or wood flooring in your room please lift the rugs so that I can get light reflections from the floors. If I arrive and have to help you organise the room, this will cut into your shooting time, so please make sure it is done before I get there! Sometimes it is also good to use the lounge, especially if you have lovely big windows, and we can use the couch and other furnishings. All you have to do is de-clutter the tables, walls and floors before I arrive. Paintings and prints are fine as long as they are not family photos.

Shirley Lawson