I'm too old, too curvy and a mom...how can boudoir apply to me?


Let me tell you that my global client base, whether it is Dubai, Italy, or the UK, is made up mostly of mums and even grandmas. My ladies are in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and occasionally I’ve had women in their 70s.! An age where everyone thinks you should have hung up your sexy flag and be content knitting. Rubbish I say!

Life is tough as an older lady, a curvy lady, or a mum. We are constantly bombarded by images of stunning models airbrushed to perfection and there is no way we can keep up with that or even want to! I am getting older myself and feel the pressure of trying to be keep extra weight off and be the ‘perfect women’ in society’s eyes.

I’ve felt the injustice of being almost invisible if you are over a certain age! Women, are far more beautiful with more years, more experienced, and more life under their belts in my eyes! When I first lay eyes on a new client I immediately know where I will go with it and how I’ll bring out the very best in her. I see beauty in all my clients because we all have something special. It’s also an awakening for her to see herself through my eyes.

Most of my clients are nervous, some are terrified. Almost all are fine after 10 minutes and totally loving it after half an hour. And ALL want to do it again knowing what they know after it’s over.

I don’t put a time limit on my shoots. It takes however long it takes. The day is yours. For the same shoot I could be finished in two hours and the next day take four hours or more. It all depends on the woman and how easily she’s following direction. I know this is the first time they’ve been in front of a camera for a professional shoot. I know how scary that is. And I’m perfectly happy to be there until I have what I need in the bag ready to take away and work with.

Shirley x